Astral Projection Books

Astral Projection Books Available Now

by Lillian Bradley  

Synopsis: Explore multiple planes of existence all from the comfort of your own bed! In The Magick of Crystals: A Guide to Mastering Astral Projection, Lillian Bradley takes the reader on an fascinating journey through space and time. In this book, you can learn to travel to various alternate realities all from your own bed or lazy boy recliner. The Universe is vast and jammed packed full of mysteries just waiting to be discovered. If you've ever been interested in time travel, you will love the section included in the book on how to experience a time projection. The book discuses time travel and real methods on how to achieve one. Play the lottery? If you play the lottery, you'll love the detailed instructions on how to view upcoming lottery numbers. There is nothing on the market today quite like this book! 

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